Carried away from the present moment on February 28, 2021 dissolving ego guided meditation here and now illusion of self love overthinking spiritual spirituality +
One year of Blogging; a letter from the author on February 25, 2021 blessed blogging gratitude growing impermanence learning one year spiritual spirituality thank you thankful the author togetherness writing +
The fear of death on February 15, 2021 courage death ego fearless fears illusion impermanence maya meditate no fear self realization separate self spiritual spirituality the self +
True freedom on February 08, 2021 detachment ego freedom happiness harmony ignorance inner freedom liberation peace renounce self spiritual spiritual path spirituality true nature +
Waking up - Part 3 on February 01, 2021 awakening egoless harmony inner peace love oneness self awakening self discovering selfless spiritual awakening spiritual practice true nature true self waking up +