Becoming and attaining

We often hear and read about 'attaining' some elevated spiritual state. We read about 'becoming' free from suffering, or to 'become' enlightened, or whatever words we use. There seems to be this ongoing search for something that will be delivered to us in the future.

This mentality is understandable. It is the conditioning we undergo through our families, cultures, and societies.

Probably as far back as we can remember, we were told to become a this or a that. As a toddler, we are asked what we want to be when we grow up. Instead of saying we want to be happy, we have to say that we want to be this or that. It is almost as if it is expected of us to become something worthy - something to justify our existence. At least in the author's culture, this is mostly the case. Please note, we are not talking about ambition.

This goes on during our school years, then during studying, and then into our adult life, our careers, family life, and more. When will we finally arrive? When will we have 'it'? When does it stop? 

For most of us, it does not. Even on our deathbed, there is the hope of fulfillment in the 'afterlife'.

Spiritual attainment

Now, let's look at our so-called spiritual path or practice. We may start off with a fancy idea, such as 'aiming for enlightenment' or 'becoming a liberated being'. There are more phrases, such as 'entering into the here and now' or 'attaining cosmic consciousness'. 

Do these sound familiar?

When we have a go at these, it seems like we are always short of something. We think that we are not fulfilled now, but it will come in the future. We think that our True Nature is not who we are at the moment, but when we carry on with our practice, our True Nature will be delivered to us. We imagine that it will arrive, appear, or will be experienced as an object.

See, this very concept of 'attainment' or 'becoming' is what is creating the feeling of lack. We think that something other than what is now should arrive.

Surrender to the Present

At this point in our lives, we have probably looked forward to so many things, while holding expectations. So many experiences came and went. While one climax happens, we are thinking about the next climax. While eating dinner, we look forward to dessert. When we have dessert, we look forward to the walk afterward. During the walk, we look forward to chilling on the couch.

It seems like fulfillment remains out of reach.

When we slow down and check up, the following is clear and obvious;
Expectations lead to disappointments.
Happiness is not really found in whatever we attain or whatever lies ahead.
What is attained is not permanent, because it was not there before.
Experiences come and go.

Knowing this, we can consider something we have probably not considered before. We can consider surrendering to the Here and Now. Not 'going' to the Here and Now. Surrendering to the Present, h
olding no expectation, simply resting in Being.

Content with what Is

Being present, we are not suggesting to try and stop the thought process. Thoughts come and go, like the weather. We do not have to entertain thoughts about 'not thinking'. These are simply more thoughts.

What we can do, is control where our attention goes. So, we stop paying attention to the constant rise and fall of thoughts This is possible, right? 

In doing so, our Peaceful Nature - which is already here - becomes evident to us. This is not something new, something separate or external, entering our experience. See, we are not becoming anything. It is who we already are, that is revealed to us.

Our Peaceful Nature is lasting happiness and fulfillment. Abiding in our Peaceful Nature, we realize that we never had to become anything. 

Now, we simply abide in ourSelf. We do not even have to imagine or wonder how we shall do this going forward. We just keep abiding in the Self, now, and the rest will be taken care of.

Becoming and Attaing. Discover the Universe that is You. Shanti Universe blog by Anrich Bester.
The moment we grasp at 'becoming' or 'attainment' we give away what we are looking for.

Related articles on this blog:

Wanting happiness - 10 November 2021
Expectation and Discrimination - 30 June 2021
We are already free - 19 July 2021
