The right attitude

This article is going to be a bit different from the usual articles. In recent articles, we have mostly highlighted how we are not this separate, individual entity. We explored how we are not this person, the doer of the actions, the thinker of the thoughts, etc.

However, this is not the experience for some of us. So, we are going to explore the topic of having the 'right' attitude, as an individual. Even though we are focusing on an individual role, we shall see how we are connected to other people too, and how we are interdependent.

For this article, we shall specifically focus on having the right attitude towards our work, because this is a topic that recently surfaced in a conversation with a friend.

Something meaningful

Whatever we do, we seem to do it with some expectation of fulfillment. Especially when it comes to our work - our daily jobs or careers, or even studies. We either do it to experience immediate fulfillment, or we do it with the hope of being fulfilled later.

At some point, regardless of how important our work is, it may become empty and meaningless. We start to think that we want or need to do something meaningful in life. Does this sound familiar? 

Maybe we think that instead of our study or our corporate job, we want to go work in an orphanage, volunteer for a school, volunteer at a hospital - we feel that we want to do something that counts. 

But, is this really necessary? Does the world need more people doing missionary and volunteer work? Or, does the world just need us to change our attitudes? 

Depending on another

See, it all depends on perception. We may think that picking fruit is meaningless work. But, we all depend on the fruit-picker, right? So, the fruit-picker has a very important role in society, working for others. The same goes for someone selling tea on the street, a chaiwala as they are called in India. This person sells tea for the enjoyment of others. Their work is important for the happiness of others.

The same goes for someone working in a bank, working as a bus driver, or working in a supermarket. We realize that whatever we are doing, we are doing for others. Other people need our skills, efforts, and help.

When we change our perspective, we start to do our work with passion. We start to feel that our contribution to the world is meaningful, regardless of the kind of work we are doing. 

See, we can be doing something that appears to be humble and selfless on the surface, but inside we still want gratification and our motivation is selfish. Or, we can be doing something that appears like an everyday job, but inside, we are passionate and selfless.

It all depends on our attitude.

The right attitude. Discover the Universe that is You. Shanti Universe blog by Anrich Bester.
Each leaf on each flower has an important contribution to the whole. The same applies to us.

Related articles on this blog:

The same wish - 29 November 2021
Wanting happiness - 10 November 2021
How are we all connected? - 31 July 2021
